The claw foot tub...
/This old tub came with the Inn. It had to be relocated as demolition and construction was happening. Moving a cast iron tub is no easy feat. That isn’t even to mention cleaning it. The inside of the tub is in pretty good shape. But the bottom and feet needed some serious work. This tub will be well appreciated at the Inn. There’s nothing like soaking in a tub after a day of biking or hiking wilderness trails. A relaxing soak would be a good way to reflect on a day spent wandering through one of our outstanding local museums.
Azalea took on the project. What an incredible job she did. The feet are unbelievable. After grinding the paint off the feet, this detail emerged. This is no ordinary tub. It is longer than the average claw tub and narrower. It will be quite lovely when placed in tile alcove that’s been created for it.
Now, it needs to be returned to the Inn. The final phase, plumbing should begin soon.